
Thursday, April 8, 2010


John's first time out of the bed. It was hard to get him moving because he was so attached. Physically, not emotionally.
First time falling asleep while changing the channel. My aunts sent us some tv seasons on dvd that got us through the week. (Mainly me, since John kept sleeping) I think we made it through two Alias and two Psych seasons by the time we got out of there. The best was when we watched Psych, because he tried to laugh without hurting his tummy, so it came out like a little whimper. Should have recorded that.

All cocooned up. We tried fruitlessly to get the heat turned up in our room. It was freezing!
Here's his first "meal"-- Cream of Wheat.
First actual food. You can see his face is shrinking, so it didn't come a minute too soon. Although he didn't end up keeping this one down, it was a nice change of flavor from the ice chips.
Since John was eating again, we figured it'd be okay if we ate in front of him. We celebrated by getting some California Pizza Kitchen. Way better than hospital food. I think overall it helped encourage him to come home sooner.


  1. Oh he looks so sad in all those first ones and then so happy in the later ones. Yay for feeling better and eating food.

  2. I like the John cocoon! I'm sure he was happy to eat real food again. California Pizza kitchen is a great way to celebrate.
