
Thursday, February 2, 2023


Practicing her balance skills. She made it across, so I think that means she's ready for kindergarten.

Little napping polka dot girl.
You know she's tird when she transfers.
"Where am I?"
Everywhere we go, Jane finds a stuffed animal that she just loves to death.
Really pulling off that stay at home mom vibe, but you're supposed to be in your robe for dropoff, not pickup.
Helping in Perry's makerspace class.
While John got the napping snuggles.
She crashed while the boys were playing video games. Just fell asleep on the floor amidst the chaos. 
Jonah had a play date and Scott hijacked it, but it worked out better for everyone.
Jane joined them for popsicle time in the sunshine.
Happily wearing Jonah's backpack, which is as big as she is.
Waiting for her brothers to get out of school.
Perry turned this necklace into handcuffs. 
Fry bread taco time
They are the best napping buddies.
Bubble time at the end of nursery.
Cozied up in John's jacket for a chilly baseball morning.
Picking up trash together
Sharing their icee reward.
Sweet girl baby wearing her doll.
She saw her new swim suit and was immediately ready for the pool.
After school shenanagins. These three friends wait for older siblings together while I chat with their parents.
A rare bed nap
She found a train movie at the thrift store and was immediately attached.
Excited to use her um-bella.
She begged all day to go get Perry.
Jane's first jamba juice.
Tiana on the swing
The lady at the grocery store gave her a balloon for being cute.
She took it everywhere.
Lambie and Minnie slippers were needed for school dropoff.
Perry's friend wanted to borrow a book and we pulled out all his favorites to recommend.
Any hint of rain.
A little basebll chat.
We dog sat Franklin
who was just Jane's speed.
The tiniest recycling helper.
And the recycling creator. She's a big sparkling water fan. 
The cutest one at the baseball game.
Trying to get a picture of two wiggle worms.
She's really into bandaids again.
I went to San Francisco for the weekend to help my friend run a bar mitzvah. 
It was very busy and fun and I loved the extravagance that was in stark contrast to my every day life. Such as the ice luges that matched the theme.
The next day I took a few hours to myself in the city.
John had so many snuggles in my absence. 
He did his best on Jane's hair.
She was very excited when I came home. Mostly because I brought leftover cookies.
Peeps cereal
Perry is not loving tball.
He likes when he's actually playing, but there are a lot of little kids and they do a lot of waiting. 
Buried at the beach
sand angels
You could be a big pig, too!
Hanging out at the beach together.
It was not very warm, but it didn't stop the boys from going in the water. Perry made a friend who joined in.
Salon time.
Trying a side pony.
Visiting our friend's kittens.
Detailed, tiptoe cleaning.
Hugs to keep them both on the single rider.
This was after the movies, which was Jane's first time since she was a baby.
Helping in the kitchen. He is always down to slice olives or grate cheese.
The diry face shows how much fun they had at baseball.
Sweet Scott shared his sour skittles with his siblings.
Park time
Backwards day at school
Which is just a regular day for Perry, who is usually 50/50 on his shirts being the right direction.
During warmup for a game, Scott got hit in the face with a baseball. It felt better after some ice and he finished his game, then took it easy. 
Later that night, the pain got worse and he threw up, so I took him to the hospital. They did a ct scan and said he had a concussion, but no fractures or bleeds and just needed to rest.
It was a late night for the poor dude. 
No screens or reading was worse than the pain for him. With some sunglasses and no physical activity, he went back to school and gradually recovered over the next couple weeks. He was pretty hesitant with baseball after that, but otherwise made a full and swift recovery, for which we're all very grateful.

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