
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

SIP Week 45: Jan 17-23

Jane loves having all her brothers on the trampoline with her, even though they jump way too high for her.
Stealing leftover breakfasts
Post-pacifier mouth, napping on my bed.
Ready to battle
Stomp rockets for days
She is just too sweet
Another day, another park day with the stomp rockets
Karen and Alan were in town, so we met them and Katie's family at the park.
Jane was not sure about all the people.
But she loved the tree climbing.
Such a helpful beater licker.
Perry taking over Jonah's usual sleep spot--the floor.
and games. Our preschool is very play-based. And not very consistent these days.
Janie's 18-month doctor appointment
The check-up portion was online to minimize time together, which was funny to be there in person but still on the tv. Then she came in for the exam, then the nurse came in for the shots.
Freshly made beds are the best for jumping
Daddy snuggles
Cooking helper
Little best buds
Jonah is loving puzzles again. I love when the kids do puzzles because I love them.
Celebrating a new administration and starting to feel hopeful for our country again.
Jonah still wants to help Jane at the park, but she is not always interested in assistance.
She does love the swings, though.
Everyone worked on making hearts to leave on neighbors' doors.
Cheese break.
Jane in a box
She loves this little wagon.
I wanted to take a picture with Scott
but Jane wanted in on the fun.
And then Perry.
Having a little reading time in her stroller.
Wishing for more rain
Paci and bun-bun, her faves.
The face you get when her food's not ready, but she is.
The sass is just getting started.

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