
Monday, September 28, 2020

SIP Week 14: June 14-20

So happy on John's shoulders.
Wreaking havoc while John tries to nap.
Helping John with a church video.
She started pulling her hairband off, but I still try to see if she'll forget about it.
We made some homemade pasta 
Jane liked it, but preferred the parm.
I don't like to disparage dads, but...
I did not dress her.
We walked over to drop things off at our friends' house and Jane tried out their grass.
Jonah found a rolly polly.
He loves his sister.
I think their personalities are similar, so they're going to either clash a lot or be best friends. Maybe both.
Post-bath baby
playing peek-a-boo with her blanket
Got her cookie and her wand, ready to go.
Two reading boys and one bored brother hanging around.
Jane would also like to learn to read.
She's surprisingly gentle with books.
I really wanted a chicken pot pie, but it was so hot. I cooked it in the toaster over in the front yard because we're classy like that.
Frozen 2 for family movie night. Again. It's one of my favorite kid movies.
Jonah made a lego of the Wright brothers. He's very creative.
Jane after cottage cheese. Good thing she loves baths.
Everyone wanted in on the picture.
What happens when I try to take a bath alone.
She was not pleased about having to leave instead of joining me.
My personal pedicure service.
She loves pulling out our shoes. I think all of our kids have done this.
Ready for her bike ride.
Perry helping me pick out dinner recipes.
He actually helps me cook a lot, so I don't mind his input. And we both like choosing from the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Putting the oven outside to cook dinner is not only classy, but innovative and creative. Plus the neighbors can smell what a good cook you are! :O) Thank you for the posts. We read them over and over and laugh and smile a lot. Love you!
