
Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Scott's kindergarten invited families to their last music class so we could see everything they worked on all year. Perry was excited to see his big brother.
While Scott and Jonah went to tball one night with John, Perry and I did some serious Duplo building. He calls the game "boom boom," because he says that as he knocks over the towers we make.
Perry turned on the spigot on the back porch and all their dirt play turned into mud play. Which I didn't mind until they tracked it in the house. So I unscrewed the handle and there's no unsupervised water play in the backyard any more.
We had Alan and Marva over for tacos on Cinco de Mayo. (Karen was out of town.)
Jonah put his suspenders on all by himself. He liked them crossed because the X looked like the treasure spot on a map.
One of my mom's students with season tickets to the Sharks had to go to the hospital last minute and offered her the seats.
Since we couldn't get childcare with such late notice, I took Scott and we had a fun time. Probably the only time we'll ever be at a play-off game in person!
Perry loves brushing and flossing his teeth, reading books, but screams "no night night!" until he crashes. Sometimes on the floor.
Perry played at the park while we waited for Jonah to get out of preschool. It was nice to have a couple hours twice a week with only Perry, but all of the drop-offs and pick-ups on preschool days were obnoxious.
Perry gets it from his brother.
Fell asleep getting medicine at Kaiser.
Perry found Jonah's swimsuit drying in the backyard and put it on, came over to me, and said he wanted to go swim at Grandma's house.
At least Perry makes it on the rug sometimes and not just the hardwood.
Had to make sure his baby was safe and sound before driving.
I went to Scott's breakfast for moms/women at school. He had his favorite: three frozen waffles with strawberries.
He made this placemat for me. He wasn't too far off!
Sleepy boys walking to school.
Perry helped himself to some water while we waited for an oil change.
This carseat is the best for napping. It's snuggly and slightly reclined.
Scott's hair was SO sweaty after school and the temperature was only in the 70's. I decided it was time to let him have short hair for summer.
I really don't like it short, but it was much nicer for him and I've gotten used to it. It makes him look so much older and less soft.
Jonah just had a hearty trim.
Little baby Perry was the hardest for me. I love shaggy baby hair.
Instantly aged him a year. But it's less sticky and much cooler.
My big six year old. He's always been really into games, but he can actually participate now. "Who guess who" is a current favorite.
Sleeping stinkers. They only nap when we drive somewhere.
Scott showed us his Art Vistas projects at his school's Open House night. We saw all his work in his classroom and he toured the first grade rooms so he'll know what to expect next year.
Olivia's mom sent this from her birthday party. She's been a great friend to him this year.
Perry the bed hog, horizontal across John's spot with his feet in mine.
Volunteering one day, two of the boys at my table were fighting over who would be Scott's partner for our game. I told him he could choose who he played with and he said Grace, who immediately ditched her partner and happily played with Scott. I was a little concerned about the feelings of the other kids, but they moved on quickly and I was glad to see Scott's classmates think so favorably of him.
Perry likes to help me, but on his terms. He'll carry in the pineapple, but not the smaller, lighter things. 
Jonah doing some reading while he eats lunch.
Perry showing Ms. Bonnie his new Mickey Mouse underwear.
He refused to put anything over them. I should've bought him Mickey pants apparently. 
Waiting patiently (although the doctor still came out and asked them to be quiet, which I honestly thought they were being) at the chiropractor.
Perry wanted a waffle and took it to his stroller to eat it. He usually only gets waffles when we're running out the door to school, so he connected the two in his mind.
I suppose there is worse mischief to get into than teeth brushing.
Date night to see Solo. Before John, I hadn't even watched all the Star Wars movies, now I have a shirt for opening night showings.
Insisted on riding his scooter to school, even across the big field.
Stealing my smoothie.
Perry was on the bridge, then I couldn't see him. I walked over to check on him and he was coming down the big kid slide. He climbed up a scary ladder and shot right down. He's totally fearless.
Drinking my cereal milk for me. Such a thoughtful boy.
Took a little nap on the linoleum. 
Helping me rip up the lettuce for dinner.
Yoga time
We picked Jonah up from the water play day at preschool and Perry jumped right into the fun.
Grass nap at Ms. Bonnie's during cookie day.
I woke him up and he was grumpy, but a cookie made it better.
Package popper fun.
Scott showing me his climbing skills
Jonah was home sick and Perry needed to make himself a bed next to his brother to watch their movie.
My bacon thief strikes again!
Trying unsuccessfully to keep Perry awake after his bath.
Painting pots for their teacher gifts.
Perry set up chairs for himself and his little friend, Declan. When I ask him, "who's a cutie?" He'll answer all our family, then Declan.
It was a full month and we're ready for some summer breaks.

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