
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Perry Turns One

A company I do reviews for sent me a box of Ritter Sport chocolates and I made a Wall-e for Perry's birthday party.
We ended up not having a party because I've been getting migraines and didn't feel up to planning and hosting anything.
Perry didn't mind. He was happy to have a present. His brothers wrapped it for him.
After some coaxing, he eventually got it open. We picked up this Mickey sound puzzle from a neighbor a while back and saved it for Perry's birthday.
Taste-testing it.
Then we celebrated the big day with a trip to the pediatrician.
Perry getting himself ready for his appointment. 
I brought Scott in for a late 5-year checkup and Buzz was just tagging along. We were reading this Olivia book and they asked me what the picture of "tutu" was. Clearly we're lagging in the dance and dress-up department.
During his nap, the boys helped me make pudding. We put crushed Oreos so they'd be dirt cups for the Wall-e theme that I planned before deciding not to do anything.
Perry didn't care about a party or presents or even people, he loved the pudding. John's parents came over for dinner and a pudding cup.
My mom and sister came by the next day, then my dad the day after that. He loved spreading out the celebrating because it meant more chocolate for him.
Perry is a sweet and easy going little guy. His brothers dote on him. None of us can get enough of him. He brings our family so much joy and we're so grateful he's ours.

1 comment:

  1. Migraine or not, that Wall-E was inspired! Glad to see Perry enjoying his first taste of chocolate--as if there was a chance he wouldn't.
