
Sunday, January 7, 2024

November 2022

It was finally chilly enough for Jane's corduroy Hedwig overalls.

Scott stayed home sick and played with Jane nonstop. It was great.
She looooved it.
Taking down Halloween decor.
Really enjoying that broccoli cheddar soup.
Cleaning up her spill.
Tea time.
Jumping in the rain
Preschool field trip to a pottery studio
She picked pink, of course.
I love when she falls asleep on me. It never gets old.
Fixing the vacuum when he got stuck on the bag strap. "I can't pick up roomby; I'm too strong. Oh, I did it!"
Stealing my hot milk.
Baseball buddies
The boys got to try pitching for fall ball.
End of soccer season party with a mountain pizza.
Face paint at a birthday party
Licking the butter bowl
Jane was sick, but still so happy.
Perry dressed so nicely for school.
Feeling a little worse for wear
Nothing a popsicle can't help.
and some Daddy snuggles
I took the boys on a hike
It was nice to go at a faster pace
I really needed to get out after being home with Jane and getting up with her at night.
Then Scott slipped and his retainer went to sleep with the fishes.
We looked and looked, but it was hopeless. We tried to stay positive and finish out our fun outing.
Sharing a baseball icee.
If she's in a church dress, she needs a picture.
She put stuffies in her shirt and a Porg on her shoulder.
Curlies before
and curlies after
Ready for school...but there was no preschool this day. She really loves school.
My annual peppermint milkshake from chick-fil-a. 
She napped next to me.
Perry had a play date at the park, but they played chess.
All four kids lined up for dental cleanings.
Jane trying to see her nose
She never succeeded.
Jonah getting his soccer award
Jane at the library
I don't like being crowded by the kids, but I love coming in and seeing them doing it.
Sharks game! 
We won, they had a good fight, 4 in the net so we got free tacos, it was a great first game for Jonah. He said hockey is more fun to watch than baseball, which is saying something for him.
Haircut time. My hair keeps shedding and the ends are dead, so I had her chop it short.
Trying to dig out some roots from our old tree.
Ever helpful.
Aquarium visit
Blob fish faces
John said she has enough stuffed animals at home already.
Family movie night
Matchie Mickeys
Her smirk face
Perry got this little tree for his room.
Jane's bedhead looks like a volume commercial.
Hiding in a box
Her new bff, the unicorn.
Running some energy out on our walk through the neighborhood hoops.
Scooting to the park.

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