
Friday, March 5, 2021

SIP Week 38: Nov 29-Dec 5

Jane loves water. She'll play in the sink every chance she gets.
It's so funny to me when they share a book.
I found this sweet note on my nightstand. It was especially nice to read this year, because it's been harder work to make holidays special without many of our usual traditions.
Jane getting a snuggle in during church.
I took over and finished the job.
A little morning reading about women's history.
Meanwhile, Scott finished that one and was reading about the Revolutionary War. 
Jane went a little lighter with some Shel Silverstein. 
And this is why she wears bow clips, to get the hair out of her eyes.
After she cried about the rain boots, I bought some smaller cute little boots to try. She tolerated them better. I know when it's wet out and she wants to go play, she'll come around.
Always getting into something.
John doesn't get very long stretches of productivity time with all of us home.
It'll take a miracle to get the boys' laptops returned to the school in working condition when all this is over.
Snuggled up in our beanbag the boys call "the meatball" ready to watch some grown up tv and fall asleep.
She frequently stops at the play room entrance and hangs out with the gate.
Opening my water bottle, a favorite mischief of hers.
She wanted to put her own bib on.
Putting her baby to bed.
And eating the baby's hat.
Sword fighting with the cardboard sword Jonah made.
And a little Rody ride.
I fed Jane so many bites of dinner trying to keep her happy so I could cook that she wasn't hungry when we finally all sat down to eat. So after a few minutes, I put her in the tub and ate my dinner in the bathroom. It was actually peaceful and not the worst. 
Another attempt at a moment's peace in my room and you can see Jane was not having that.
Reading scriptures followed by a Christmas story together.
Practicing her piano playing. She's actually been gentle for the most part, knock on wood.
Another sink escape.
Chewie baby playing with Chewie doll.
Checking out what John's working on.
Little cutie.
Scott was doing schoolwork on the playroom floor and he looked so long.
Having a little scavenged snack of whatever her brothers dropped under the table.
She was getting frustrated trying to ride her scoot bike while holding Chewbacca.
Hiding under the chair.
Trying my blood pressure cuff on her leg.
We love being the only ones at the park. Sometimes we run over during our morning school break to get a half hour of free play.
All loaded up, ready to walk.
Another morning at the park in her cute tree tights.
I convinced her to wear a jacket and could tell from her little clasped hands that she was chilly, even though she insisted she was not.
She loved exploring the playground.
Hi, Sunshine!
Perry showed her the ropes.
She ran around until she wore herself out.
Perry's favorite snack is yogurt with granola and berries.
Jane having a tantrum. She climbed up on the table to be sure John saw her displeasure.
Having a little rest with her friends.
Finally crashed on the couch.
Her favorite place to be in the morning. And all night. My bed.
John's chest is another acceptable option.
She comes by it honestly.
Nothing like some whipped cream to boost our mood.
Enjoying the chili from our church dinner pickup. Then we put the kids to bed and had an online game night with friends in the ward. It was a creative and much appreciated evening.
We loved not cooking, seeing people even virtually, and a change of pace for the night.

1 comment:

  1. They have to wear masks at the park even though they are the only ones? I am so thankful to live in Indiana!
