
Monday, February 13, 2023


That's one way to eat a bagel.
Trying to take a matching picture, but Jonah had to fix some schmutz on Perry's face first. 
There we go. Complete with Scott's sunglasses for concussion headache prevention at school. 
Jane also had matchies, but she was napping.
Then we picked up an Elsa dress.
Elsa played trains
and used mittens for her frozen gogurt. Apparently the cold does bother her sometimes.
Then Elsa got her first happy meal while we had an oil change. It did not make her very happy when they didn't include ketchup, though.
Picking a book in her teapot dress. The coziest vibe.
Too cool for traditional sunglass wearing.
The kids made me breakfast in bed for Mother's Day, with John's help. Complete with fresh oj.
Then I got lots of snuggles.
Jane wanted to wear this cute romper
then she remembered her disdain for rompers.
She switched to her hedgehog dress instead. Which looked adorable with a watering can.
Dirty little tights feet.
She's mastered the rainbow ribbon dancing.
The twirlier the better.
Her secret garden after school.
All about balance. If you take a cookie without asking, you should also take an apple without asking.
Bringing her security Tiana dress to the kids club.
Carefully deliberating her fluoride flavor.
Our dentists and their team gets all 4 kids' teeth cleanings and exams done at once. It's quite the sight to see.
Choosing her balloon color.
And picking out prizes. The whole office loves Jane.
Perry's art vista display.
Sampling at Costco
Trying to do the acrobatics she sees her brothers doing.
Ruling the pack at school pickup. The older girls do whatever Jane says and they all think it's a fun game. I worry about her future sometimes.
Very attached to her library books.
The older two had to work together to get their haul to the car.
My friend came over and Jane enlisted her reading skills.
Helping Jane get her curlers out.
Beautiful size this time!
Having a whole carrot as a snack. I've found the kids will eat anything after school so I brought a whole bag of peeled carrots and they all got eaten. Maybe it was a novelty for some of them or just silly, but they were a big hit.
The only girl at my friend's house with 5 boys. I left her there for the first time and came back and they were bffs.
We had a lovely dinner together in their yard.
Loving nursery
I went to see Coldplay with Amanda
It was a surprisingly cold and windy night, but we danced enough to warm up and had a great time.
Jane found a pouch in her pants for Grogu
Working on our Disney chain link because our cruise was postponed.
This little bunny fell asleep face first.
Cute matchies. 
She loves mopping.
We're all shocked when John gets any work done.
Another day, another kindergarten pickup with Jane and fruit.
Perry and I went to Target because he wanted to get a birthday present for our school's secretary Mrs. Perry. He picked Mike and Ike's for her. "She's going to love it, look at these flavors!"
Then he picked out a book at the book fair and we shared an ice c
I love sleeping babies
She looks like an angel
Taking a picture of their game so if it gets destroyed they'll be able to recreate it. We always do this and they never bother.
Matchy curlers.
Perry took his out immediately, but Jane kept hers in.
They were waaay too tight.
She looked like a poodle. It cracked me up all day.
Licking her spill on the table.
Ribbon time!
We watched her friend and his sister one day and they were best buds. The baby was more work, but having him over was easier because he entertained Jane all morning.
Snow cones after school
Playing with our friends' busy board
Contemplating lunch or a nap
We stopped at the bakery after the gym. She doesn't love going to childcare, but a pastry after helps.
All aboard!
Perry loves the Target balls
His nighttime setup includes a light and diffuser, clock with Coldplay, and a sound machine with the ocean setting on. Whatever gets him to sleep all night in his bed is what we'll do.
Stamping it up with Peppa Pig.
The kids went to a birthday party at Pump it Up but I had Perry wear ear defenders this time.
They also went later, not straight after school and I had them have snacks beforehand.
It went so well and they all loved it.
Jane throwing it back to the 90's in a dress my aunt made.
The puffy sleeves were so fun.
Perry wanted to take a picture in front of the cactus on the walk to school.
We went back to the bakery and Jane picked a donut this time. I was smelling the In N Out across the street and debating if a burger was reasonable before 10am.
I dug through the kids' clothes bins to find more matching pjs. They're not a great size fit since Scott and Jonah were closer in age, but they work.
They love being twins. 

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