
Friday, January 14, 2022

July II

Ready to go!
Found a fallen flower.
Top speed
Holding hands to cross the street
Our little fish. She prefers not to have floaties on, which we do take turns with so she hopefully realizes she can't keep jumping in the pool on her own.
A little Toy Story time. Trying to give Jane some classic toddler cartoon exposure.
She loves her Minnie slippers.
Any time Jane sees any animal.
Taking Lambie and Bunbun for a walk.
Putting each other down for a nap.
Jane can sort the laundry. She somehow knows what clothes belong to each brother.
Getting a little too big for her scoot bike.
Keeping her helmet on at the park never hurts my feelings.
Getting her hat and backpack, but forgot her pants.
Grabbed John's swim suit for him. Just in case he felt like taking her to the pool.
She typically gets her way. At the pool, she likes to sprawl out on the cement to warm up if the water is cool.
She dressed herself.
Our city library finally opened back up and we were ready for a visit.
Perry had a play date at the park, but played by himself the whole time. I think he's forgotten how to interact with peers, which concerns me for kindergarten.
Feeding our neighbor's bunnies.
Ted Lasso and Haagen Dazs with John--all my favorites.
7-11 day was extended to the month to avoid crowds, so we cashed in later. It said one free slurpee in the app, but the sweet owner gave each of the kids one.
Playing at our friend's house while we waited in line for their taco truck.
There were snacks everywhere, so Jane was loving this birthday party concept.
The kids played games and we chatted with our friends, it was so great to be out and social again together.
Curious about the weight limit for this glider, luckily it held.
Copying John's reclined position.
Jane camouflaged on our bed.
Cutiest little girl ready to go to church.
Someone's had a growth spurt since our last in-person church meeting. Pants and shoes.
She can reach the swimsuit drawer and changes whenever she feels it's time to go to the pool.
Wedged right between our pillows; where she usually ends up at some point during the night.
Dinner picnic at the pool. Trying to maximize swim time after work and before bedtime.
Jane put her underwear on over her bloomers.
All fixed to go to the park. I love going in the morning when it's cooler out and there's nobody else around.
Later in the day Jane has to wear a hat, though, and that's adorable.
Minnie is ready for breakfast.
Beach day. Only one picture because they were actually in the water, so I had to be on full alert.
I got offered a job teaching an English Class for BYU-Idaho online for fall semester, 4 years after applying. I was feeling nervous and excited. John took this picture for my profile.
Jane feeding the baby. A little forcefully, if we're being honest.
Kisses before bed. 
So happy to see the chickens on her skirt. 
Amanda gave her this chicken outfit for her birthday and she wears it every chance she gets, ie straight out of the laundry basket each week.

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