
Friday, August 6, 2021

SIP Week 50: Feb 21-27

Artist Jane trying her best to keep her coloring on the paper and not the wall.
Bossy broad.
Playing a new game that relies on accuracy and speed, but Scott turned it into a collaborative version for Perry to have a fighting chance.
Egg shakers for music class.
And lots of jumping.
It's Perry's preschool music class, but Jane is much more enthusiastic about it.
Trampoline time--a quiet moment or two for John inside.
Jane picking up some math skills from Jonah.
One of the families we heart attacked for Valentine's Day left the kids a gift bag later and Jane loved this baby shark plush.
I don't know what game they made up, but I love seeing their creativity.
Brushing her hair so she's ready to go.
I don't know who was copying who in this one.
late night snack time 
Jane is getting too grown up.
I wanted to have her picture taken at 18 months, but these will have to do
I love her cloak
She looks like Madeline 
She can be a real sweetheart when she wants to be
She loves her bunny shoes
and we love her.
Exhibit A
Getting into my chapstick and lotion
Replaced with her sippy and cheese
Doing physical therapy exercises with John
Another walk, pointing out the doggy in the window
Watching Jonah do his work. They love the pe and music lessons especially.
Showing Jane a rolly polly
Giving him a new, safer home
Perry practicing his writing
Jane practicing her upside down reading
Jonah still doesn't stay in his bed at night
Absconding with the puffs
Napping in her boots
Climbing into mischief
Trying bigger boots, for fun
Jane was  GRUMP one afternoon
I took her on a walk and let her lead. She walked down our street, then down the block, I assumed toward the park.
Nope, to the cat sitting house. Unfortunately, the family was home and not in need of our playtime, so she returned to being a grump.
Jonah's Harrier Tubman project
Jane the jumper

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