
Friday, July 30, 2021

SIP Week 48: Feb 7-13

Scott got an expander in January to make room for his baby teeth to come in. I turned it for 3 weeks and it made a nice, big gap. Then we just had to wait for them to settle into place.

Reading in bed, his favorite.
Such a big girl in her jeans and drinking my water bottle.
And napping in my bed.
Climbing the cabinets
to steal an apple
Scott practicing archery in the backyard
She's determined to do everything herself.
And she usually can.
All that independence tuckered her out.
She needs a little more strength before she can open the fridge.
She wanted these shoes on, but they don't fit over her feetie pajamas
It didn't stop her from trying, though.
Perry's domino creation.
A made bed is the best for jumping
The cutest rapscallion I ever did see.
Jane and Grogu helping John work
Glasses on, paci in.

Ready for bed, John turns on a show
And like magic, she's out. The only problem with this method, besides setting horrible habits for the future, is John frequently falls asleep, too.
I was doing an Exits game with Perry for some snuggle time, and soon had everyone on me, watching.
Jonah is very cautious with Jane's antics.
We prefer she stay in the baby playground area.
She can still put her climbing skills to good use there.
We learned that Jane's mouth is the size of one donette.
And she is a fan of them.
It doesn't matter if they're old, too-small baby shoes, or big shoes that belong to other family members, when Jane sees shoes, she must try them on.
Perry getting the longest Robot Turtles sequence known to man ready for me to play.
So proud of his bed making.
We introduced Jane to a Porg toy, which she liked until it moved and made noise. She is NOT a fan of animatronics. 
Once we turned it off, she warmed up to it.
John mastered pizza crust and this is my favorite combo, with basalmic vinegar as sauce. Luckily the kids don't really like it, so we get it to ourselves.
While in isolation, Jane had to get creative to build her immune system this year.
And learn to self entertain a bit more.
Going on a walk!
Tormenting a kitty cat.
 Basking in the sunny, winter day
Little peanut
Soccer practice in her slippers. Actually, Perry's slippers.
See the aforementioned note about everyone else's shoes.

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