
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Jane 8 Months

Jane is all smiles for pictures now, but it's tricky to get her to stay sitting for them.
I rocked the chair so she's stay still, but then they're a little blurry because of the motion.
She enjoys eating and baths and squealing. She also likes pulling hair, scratching, pinching, and putting everything in her mouth.
She prefers sleeping in our bed and still wakes up several times a night to eat and spend quality time with us.
Lucky for her, we love floofy hair and tiny toothy smiles and baby snuggles.
The sass is strong with this one and we can't get enough of her.
Although we'd take a few more hours sleep at night, if anyone's asking.

1 comment:

  1. Love her bold style choice to pair overalls with a metallic belt!
