
Saturday, May 2, 2020

February I

So much love
No personal space
Perry is great about playing with Jane when I give him specific instructions. Like pop the toys up after she pushes them down so she can do them again.
Such sweet babies.
Jonah's tooth was loose, but not coming out, and the new one was coming in very crooked. His dentist appointment was coming and I didn't want him to go through the pulling there, so John took care of it. Jonah was nervous and brave and it popped right out without any pain or bleeding, so it was definitely ready. 
Cruising in our new to us stroller. It's hard to push with both of them in it because it's so long, but Perry usually walks, it was just a novelty when it was something new. 
Ready to roll
Sweet baby is like a reverse Rosie the Riveter
They always look so tiny in the big dentist chairs.
I tried to give Jane her bottle in bed and let her go to sleep on her own. It works occasionally.
New chew toys to hang in her carseat and stroller. She loves chewing them, but I think her brothers were most excited about them. They love giving Jane new things.
Free frozen yogurt day was a hit. Jane was not thrilled about missing out.
Running off some sugar before heading home.
I tried to take Jane's picture while I was waiting for the boys to run for a few more minutes, but someone stopped me to let me know the kids were running away before I got one of her looking. They were running back and forth together on this strip of grass, not in any danger. I know it's near a busy street, but they didn't even go near the sidewalk at all, much less the cars. I feel like they can't have fun in public. without me getting warned or chastised.
Jane likes to look at screens. She loses interest immediately, but it's funny how it draws her attention initially.
Perry wore this cute sweater and looked so much like little Scott in the picture in our hallway.
It was easier to push with him in back, but still heavy. Luckily we don't use the second seat normally.
Counting the path. I pushed an empty seat back home and it was the last time he asked to ride.
He does like holding the stroller instead of my hand when we cross the street.
Reaching for her toys in her tiny bouncy seat.
Such a big girl. I found this cute outfit on sale and decided Jane needed some more pants in her life.
I've been trying to run errands or play games with just Jonah more often. We went to Target and picked out a gift for his friend's birthday and for Scott.
He liked wrapping them and keeping them a surprise. Then he let Jane play with his sequin shirt.
Napping time again. We briefly moved the couch, but I didn't like it sticking out and decided to have John move the tv instead.
Jane in her adorable swim outfit, ready to try the pool.
She was a huge fan. She loved the water, didn't mind the cold, splashed and giggled the whole time.
We all slept well after swimming.
She likes to take a pre-bed nap which sometimes keeps her up crazy late that John calls her fake-out.
She looks little when John holds her.
Such a sweet baby. She outgrew her matching hat, but the dress has a bodysuit attached which I love.
A little game of dominoes.
Conked out in her Valentine's outfit.
Transferred to her carseat, a rarity these days.
Awake, but happy playing with her toys.
Perry requested matchies with Jane.
Good morning sinshine!
Playing on the lawn at cookie day
Cozy little bear going to school
We made a sign for John's 500th month. He was so, so pleased to have that milestone pointed out. The boys loved painting it, though.
Watching Jane with her new to her light up ball. 
I love her little tripod sit while she grabs her toes. Also, her feet with tights on. 
Everything about her is so cute and everything she does is so cute.
Scott made dementor's kiss Valentines this year. They were adorable.
Hanging out at the Y
She rips her socks right off the first chance she gets.
Such a little doll.
Scott on baby duty. Probably saving her from mischief.
She can inch herself along a little now and roll and move quite a bit.

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