
Monday, June 8, 2020

Quicksilver Hicks Road Hike

We went back to Quicksilver, but to a higher elevation start.
Jane was the cutest baby hiker in all the land.
The boys were energetic and ready to run.
There were very few people there, so we could let the boys go free.
John is always the nature guide on our wilderness walks.
Her chunky thighs dangling are just taunting me to squeeze them.
We made it up to the old mining town, where we explored for a while. Perry wanted to know why nobody lived there anymore.
At the peak we could see down into the valley.
Scott's ready to race.
Perry taking "the Perry way" which is any small path off the main trail.
The mining buildings, with a sign warning about a rodent disease. Because mosquitoes, posion oak, snakes, mountain lions, and covid aren't enough to worry about.
It was not very shaded, but it wasn't a hot day. The path we went on wasn't very long and didn't have a lot of incline.
The boys wanted to climb on the bench without touching it.

Then Jonah was afraid to jump off. He does some wild things at home, but gets nervous about heights sometimes. Our couch is higher than this bench, so it's some sort of mental block.
Looking down the hill, they were pretty sure it was a mountain lion's home. They were very focused on them during this hike after reading the signs at the entrance.
It was a gorgeous day. This was a great place for a spring visit while it's still green.
Scott and Perry raced ahead to the car.
Jonah's foot started hurting, so John pulled him along and I got this great shot with the overhead tree shade.
Sweet Jane took a little rest and enjoyed the outside time.
We made it back and watched this solar water fountain we think was put there for horses.
Little P likes having his picture taken.
 We ordered hamburgers for pickup on the way home.
My favorite part of hiking on Fridays is getting dinner afterward/not cooking. We give the kids all a bath and I put all our laundry in the wash, then we watch a movie and relax the rest of the night. It's a small, cherished break from our weird non-routine routine at the moment.

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