
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March I

Jonah hit Scott in the face with his car. Whenever Scott gets hurt, he likes a cold compress and a lie down to feel better. Jonah looks extremely repentant. 
Scott on the swing at preschool as part of gross motor therapy. The teacher let him and another mainstream boy really fly and they loved it.
Jonah was watching the trash truck out the window and said they're taking my dipeys and pull-ups, but not my underwear!
Bed head on the way to get Scott from preschool. Neither of us likes waking up from our nap.
I told Jonah he could read one book before bed. This kid's too smart.
Jonah and I went on Scott's field trip to Ardenwood Farms.
They liked the animals from a distance.
Most of Scott's class didn't come, but there were some kids from the morning group and the other teacher's classes.
Milking the cow. It wasn't set up, so they milked the rain water out.
Learning about corn.
Jonah fit right in.
Grinding the corn to add to the animal food.
Playing with the corn.
They told the kids the goats didn't have top teeth, so they can't bite. Scott was hesitant, but fed one. 
Then with the sheep it opened its mouth near his hand and he cried out, "I saw white! I saw white!" He dropped his food on the ground for the sheep and wouldn't go near it again.
He gave the rabbit one quick pat and sat back down.
Jonah didn't let the animals touch his hands either, but he copied Scott's bunny interaction. There were only a few sprinkles of rain throughout the visit, making it a fun day on the farm.
I try to keep the boys up until John gets home from work. As long as his train is on time they can read  a book together before it's time for bed.
Scott came back from a Home Depot workshop acting clingy and he felt warm. Even with medicine his temperature was high all day and night. He napped and watched movies, ate a few bites, but had no energy. He'd ask to be carried to the bathroom even.
Sunday he took a nap and woke up drenched in sweat, but his fever had broken and he was better. Thankfully he didn't get any other symptoms and Jonah never caught it.
Jonah bringing the baby bouncer to the play room. It's bigger than he is.
Reading Star Wars books is Scott's favorite thing to do with Grandma.
Wrestling is their favorite thing to do with Grandpa.
Milk face smiles in the morning.
Another mom at the park had bubbles and all the kids played in them.
Jonah decided to read my library book.
The boys wrestle all the time now. It's always started by Jonah, who will attack Scott out of the blue. It almost always ends with Jonah getting hurt. Scott's not very aggressive, but he will defend himself. It never stops Jonah from trying again, though. 
Scott dressed himself in matching stripes.
Pi day pecan pie. I used the Pioneer Woman's recipe with the nuts chopped and liked it way better.
Scott likes the "hot dog nuts."
The boys pick oranges from the backyard to eat when they play back there. Jonah will easily eat two a day.
A few days I had them pick extra and we squeezed them for juice. Scott made sure to "save some for Daddy, so he won't be sad." He's a thoughtful little kid.
We've gotten enough rain this year that the juice is nice and sweet again. We love having an orange tree. One day maybe our lemon tree will join in.

1 comment:

  1. My laugh for the day: "I saw white! I saw white!"

    So if the trash truck took the dipeys and pull-ups, does that mean Jonah is potty trained (just in time for the new baby)?!
