
Monday, March 24, 2014

Scott Turns Two

We came home from Hawaii late the night before Scott's birthday, so he slept in on the big day.
 Even though we agreed to keep things low key, I felt guilty doing nothing on his actual birthday. So I put sprinkles in his pancake.
 Don't let his sleepy face fool you, he loved it.
We spent the day doing laundry, unpacking and being visit taught, so I let him watch a movie to keep things fun.
We sang to him and he ate a red velvet cupcake after dinner from the Barnes and Noble kids club.
 Later in the week a package came in the mail from my aunt.
 I had to convince him to open another present after the goldfish crackers.
 He did, then he ran the paper to the trash and came back to fry up the fishies.
Scott didn't care about the cute clothes, but I was excited. Jonah liked playing with the box and lid.
 His Arizona cousins sent him a birthday card with two dollars!
I don't know that Scott's birthday seemed any more special to him, but after a week in Hawaii I think he liked just hanging around at home and he definitely enjoyed the treats. 

1 comment:

  1. Not many two-year-olds get a trip to Hawaii for their birthday! Don't you wonder what Scott thinks--he goes to sleep in Hawaii and wakes up at home. Was it all just a dream?!
