
Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today was girl's day. The boys went SCUBA diving and we explored the island. Our bus didn't look as cool as the kukoo kunuku, but it was air conditioned. 
 Our first stop was the butterfly farm.
 We learned all about butterflies and saw hundreds of them flying around.
 Next was an aloe plant. After this demonstration we went in to see the factory part. Surprisingly, most of the work is still done by hand.
 The last stop was a natural bridge. There used to be eight bridges, but they've been collapsing and only one is still standing.
 After reuniting and eating on the boat we ventured out to the beach.
It was amazing. Not much to see snorkeling, but the ocean was warm and beautiful. 
My feet enjoyed the soft, non-burny sand.


  1. The water and the sand look beautiful. Nice pedicure!

  2. I can't believe you managed to get a picture with me and the kukoo kunuku bus. I thought we weren't ever going to mention that ridiculous name again...
    I enjoyed going to the beach in Aruba a lot more than I expected I would. Perhaps the beautiful white non burny sand can account for that.

    Hooray for aloe products!
